Thursday, July 1, 2010

Woooooooweeeeeeee What day is it?!?!?!?!??!

OH!~ It's ultrasound day!!! Guess what we found?! 5 poodle puppies ;) Here are the ultrasounds of the babies... making Ico a Mama (and me... alas.... a GreatGrandMa!). Dr. Wilcock (yes, that's honestly her name....) was able to confirm 5 pups with the ultrasound. There's always the possibility that we didn't discover them all, so we know that there are at least 5 babies deveopling. Dr. Wilcock also said that they all looked healthy. She looks at the thickness of the placenta, the attachment of the puppies within the placenta and the fact that we saw at least 2 heart beats. It was hard to see the beats....but what a thrill! Life! and not just any life.... POODLE life