Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 11

Serious puppy breath today!
up until now it hasn't been that apparent. Ico seems to be focusing more attention to cleaning their heads, ears and eyes now too. Maybe she's just trying to drink in more of that sweet breath.

as per Anne's request here are some pictures of Orange Poppy. For a little girl who is the stillest of the bunch it's almost impossible to get one of her without her moving!


  1. any change on the color of her? the fur doesn't look very curly...
    thanks for the photos!

  2. They're all showing some brown cast to their hair now. It's still impossible to know if they'll all be silver or not. It will be quite a few more weeks before their faces start to silver out.. if they're silvers. The face is the first place you'll see it. In any case, none of them are going to be black. Blue will be the darkest color.
