Wednesday, August 25, 2010

DAY 21 HAPPY 3 Weeks Old!

Developmental changes are happening rapidly the next few weeks and it's apparent from day to day that there's huge growth going on... both mentally and (eh hem) physically.

Here is the development chart from the past week. They are moving from the "transitional stage' to the "social stage." They're in a phase where they become more aware of their surroundings and particularly in each other! They are starting to play and as their sight and hearing becomes more accute, aware of the world around them. They're already wandering far and wide if allowed. Last night one of the puppies followed Ico out onto the deck! The little rascal :)

Where we were....
Where we are going......

Here's another video from yesterday:


  1. the charts are the same, and there is no video--:(
    (and it is raining, can you make that stop?)

  2. Heee heee heeh. I will put my God Complex to work!!

    AH HA!!!!!!!!!!!! The sun's out!

    heee heee heeee >:D
