Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 4

Wow weee... feels like more than 4 days! I can't imagine how Ico feels, except that she's taken her new responsibility with grace and stamina. I swear she's grown 'up' in the past few days. I look at her with the puppies and I mistakenly think she's her mom, TinTin. I think waiting until she was 4 years old was a great thing. She is so confident and taking all the day to day challenges in stride. Yesterday was docking tails and today was reintroducing her to her Mom, TinTin.

Raquel came over around 1pm so that I could get my first break from the house. It was a treat to go to the grocery store and it made me realize what it must be like to be a new mom. At least after 4 days I had relief! Raquel hung out with Ico and watched a movie on-line, played some fetch with Ico and watched puppies grow (ok so that isn't' such a dynamic process within one hour!)

At 3 o'clock, Cat came over with TinTin. I had no idea what to expect since Ico has been such a protective mom. Not protective in an aggressive way but much more 'aware' of where her puppies are than TinTin had been. I can't pick up a puppy without Ico instantly knowing about and watching every movement I make. She wants to make sure that they aren't going very far! I realized Ico was ready for a family reunion with the Poodle Girls when she was able to walk 3 blocks before needing to return to the puppies. I was glad to see that she recongizes that she is in a safe environment.

Anyway, Cat met me outside. I wanted to see Ico's response to her mom, TinTin, before venturing into the house. I honestly didn't' know what to expect. Well... She lunged! but only to say 'HI' to her mum and Cat, with tail wagging. The reunion couldn't have been better. We walked into the house, down the hall and toward the puppy room. The whole time I was ready to stop and turn TinTin around. I walked with Ico on my side and TinTin behind me so Ico would know that she had ample time to protect her pups, and that I would be there between TinTin and her babies if need be. Everything went beautifully. I had an x-pen (gate) in front of the puppy room so Ico could get in but I could block TinTin out. Ico jumped into her box... counted her pups... and relaxed into motherhood. TinTin stood outside making funny "oh please! I hear puppies" sounds. TinTin couldn't be distracted from the Magic inside that room even by the bribe of a bone!

After several hours of TinTin pining and Ico contentment with her pup despite TinTin outside the room, I decided to let TinTin in. She approached the box with caution and as soon as Ico looked up, TinTin diverted her gaze and turned her head. I called her over to the other side of the room but TinTin refused to move, instead she laid down just outside the whelping box. She's been there ever since. She's stands vigil. When she moves she lowers her head and slinks out of the room... she wants Ico to know that she is NO Threat.

The succeding days are going to be a marvel to me. I'll learn so much about pack dynamics and the flexibility, tolerance, acceptance, patience, respect, and the control these amazing girls have. They have a great relationship and that's what I'm basing my understanding on... the Understanding that they will convey their needs, communicate when things are too much/close/threatening and their acceptance of who is now the most important members of their family... the puppies.

Can you tell that I not only love my girls but I am in awe of them?


  1. can't wait till all the poodles come back and you have a house FULL and the little ones all running around...those videos will be fun to watch! By the way, when do the start doing stuff? (you must have a chart for that)

  2. LOL.... I remember when my sister had her baby and I was forced to watch hours of my niece blowing bubbles> Ha ha ha these videos are a lot like that. Some how... however... I can't get enough of these videos. I guess I'm just hopeless.

    BoB didn't you read what I wrote earlier? >:(
    For a whole week they don't do more than eat and sleep. Hang in there. We're past the half way point for that week!

  3. It was me (Anne) writing...I guess I want to know, around what day they start walking around more like grown-up dogs(not that I am rushing them out of the cute wiggly phase)? It all seems to happen so fast! Like having a baby and then you turn around and they are going off to school! Too bad you can't take 3 months of maternity leave for yourself so you don't miss a second of it!

  4. Ah, my last litter I practically did. THis time, however I took most of my vacation time for Nickel's litter (which of course never happened). Luckily my job has a lot of flexibiity so I will have lots of time with the pups. I plan on taking time off when they ARE up and moving around more. So far, however.... I haven't had to work. Two of the three surgeons are on vacation so work is Very slow right now :)

    Their eyes will open around 10 days and at that time they start to move around more. At about three weeks they will be tottling around but still without much dynamics. Four weeks is when I'll take them outside for the first time. They are getting REally cute by this point and starting to play. I hope that this will be a time when I can have people over.

    I was going to do the development chart piece by piece but what I think I'll do is post the entire Time Line and then do it piece by piece and interject what OUR puppies are up to.

    How's that sound?

  5. exciting! I hope, for our sake, the time flies! 3 more weeks? I have to find some big house project to keep myself busy while trying not to think about them all the time...
    how many inches(cms?) of tail did they dock? I can't really see in any of the shots whether the tails look different.


  6. Well, if there's any chance that people can visit earlier I'll definitely let you know.

    We took off less than a 1/3 of the tail. I have a suspicion that these tails were shorter than most because they look a little shorter than I would have liked. I like a long tail. The certainly wont be stubs :)

