Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 14 2 WEEKS OLD!

Wow are the spuds moving! We must be moving from the prehistoric era into the age of the Mastodon.

Puppies' eyes are open but their eyesight isn't fully developed yet. The pups are definitely moving with more purpose as they pick out paths rather than toddle in a straight line.

I've lined the walls of the whelping box with all kinds of objects to stimulate their minds. My friend Lavena suggested getting things to hang from above in order to help them 'look up.' For TinTin's litter I just had drawings on the whelping box wall.. this time I've added dangling things that the puppies can bump into. There are several International Dog Show Medallions, several baby toys (I got from the thrift store) and a small blanket with patterns. The blanket is draped down one side and the puppies love crawling behind it. You can see the blanket moving and hear the jingle jangle of the medallions behind it. Of course there's no scientific evidence that this helps the puppy's development.. but it certainly can’t hurt. I hope that different textures rubbing on them and different objects casually banging into will will help stimulate their nervous system and get them used to all kinds of 'touch.' I've already been adding different textures for them to walk on and started routinely providing a variety of noises.

The puppies are starting to poop and pee on their own. Ico is still keeping everything very clean so no work for me yet on that account. I've divided the whelping box into two sections now; one for living and one for potting. I made the whelping box bigger than normal just for this purpose (oh.... and so I can sit in it comfortably with the puppies :)

Here's a little tour of the puppy room:


  1. They are growing so fast! It will be hard to wait another 8 weeks (??)!! It seems like it is going to be an eternity! The kids liked the guided tour. Talking in the videos is fun for them to hear.

  2. Well, once people can come visit I think the time will pass more quickly. I can't imagine how frustrating and painfully slow it must be to wait. I want so badly to share this experience with everyone!!!

    As it turns out... I wont be able to keep the puppies ten weeks. It would be my preference, but I have a family commitment that I must attend to. SO.... The puppies will be going home at 9 wks. I'm going to have to place a lot of trust in my puppy owners ( :^} ) to make sure to socialize them properly that extra week!

    So put Oct 6th on your calendars. I will be doing a puppy temperament test on their 8th week 'birthdays' and this will help me put the final say on what puppy is going where. PLEASE!!!!!!! Until then, don't put your hopes into any one puppy. I plan on keeping one of the boys and even I haven't made plans for either one of them. THere is a lot of development still to go, both mentally and physically, before we can say for sure who will fit the best with each one of us.

    That's one reason I think it's great to handle all the puppies and get to know them all.... .and all of them get to know YOU. By the time the puppy goes home it will know you as part of the family. It helps the transition tremendously.

