Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 5


Here is the first 9 weeks of puppy growth and development in a nutshell. I will start to explain some of these phases in more depth and tell you what I am doing to support their mental and physical development. I do some early neurological stimulation ( commonly called the "super dog program") If you have any questions please ask!

here is a link to an article by Dr Carmen on Early Neurological Stimulation

Once the puppies are up and moving around there is a lot that can be done to prepare them for a well balanced life. We will go on field trips to parks and the Seattle University Campus and take individual car rides. They will have 'swimming lessons' with Corsa's Water Therapist (Corsa is my 12 1/2 year old girl) . They will be introduced to more than a dozen surfaces, heard lots of different sounds and met a variety of people and dogs. They be introduced to the clicker, puppy agility equipment and the stairs. They will have several grooming sessions (baths and clippers and toe nails). The list goes on....

As a matter of fact, puppies have already had their toe nails done once! While they are nursing they get to have their toes and feet massaged. While doing this I can gently nip the ends of their sharp little claws with a pair of toe nail clippers. This gets them used to having their feet handled in a calm gentle manner. It also relieves mom from the scratches of very aggressive nursing puppies!

Puppy Growth and Development
Weeks 1-9

Week 1:
90% of time spent sleeping
10% of time spent nursing
Susceptible to heat and cold
Instinctive reflexes: Crawl, Seek warmth, Nurse
Puppies can upright themselves if placed upside down
Puppies need stimulation for urination and defecation
Rapid development of central nervous system
Constant care needed by mom
Weight is DOUBLED by end of the week!

Week 2
Eyes should open around days 8-10
Ears should open around days 13-17

Week 3
Teeth begin to erupt
Puppies stand up and start to walk
Puppies begin to lap liquids
Puppies becoming aware of their environment
Playing begins! with litter mates
Sense of smell continues to develop
Puppies are already beginning to discriminate where to relieve themselves

Week 4
Beginning to eat solid food
Puppies begin to bark, wag tails, bite, paw, bare teeth, growl and chase toys
Can use legs well
Tire easily
Depth perception begins to develop

Week 5
Group activities and sexual play will begin
Dominance order starts to develop
Rapid growth and development

Week 6
Growth and development continues
Mom will start to wean puppies (she will have less interaction for a while)

Week 7
Total hearing and visual capacity
Puppies will investigate EVERYTHING!
Still can't respond to a name
Can begin tiny amounts of time learning to be crate trained

Week 8
First fear period begins
Puppy will start to respond to name
Mom can interact fully with puppies again

Week 9
Puppies develop strong dominant and subordinate behavior among litter mates
They are now quickly learning right from wrong pack behavior
Motor skills improve
Short attention spans
Start to focus attention on people rather than other puppies
Time to start separating litter mates more
House training is more intensified

Week 10
It's clear at this age that puppies are ready build stronger relationships with people....
Time To Go Home!


  1. that is just the info I was looking for!
    Are you sure you aren't going to teach those puppies to read? I am impressed by the amount of work that goes into these guys. This is why we want a vikki puppy!

  2. Anne, I bet you were one of the kids sitting in the front row in class :)

    I love it!!!!!

    I want more questions! You all know that I live and breathe this poodle stuff :0D

  3. hopefully someone besides me is reading! This is serious stuff! (I was a biology major, remember? from Seattle U)---
