Sunday, August 22, 2010

DAY 19

Puppies are getting really active and finally looking like real puppies. They are starting to hold their heads up instead of out straight like turtles. Of course this is upsetting their balance and they keep flopping over backward. They're now interacting with each other. Not only trying to chew but actually starting to paw and pounce. Well... they're Trying to pounce but actually end up falling ass over tea kettle.

They are also starting to try to leave the box to potty! So this weekend I built the addition to the wheping box. I added lattice sides to the platform. On two side it can be lifted out so people can still sit on the platform with the puppies, but allows for a 4 x2 foot area for them to potty. I was trying to make the last 1x4 feet inside the whelping box the spot, but they new intuitively that it was part of their 'nest' and were insisiting on leaving the box to do their 'business.' They're already like typical poodles in their potty habits too! They go as FAR way from the box as possible. Gee... reminds me of how I have to chase down the dogs at the park because they insist on going to the far corner of the field (in four different directions!) So, anyway, because they were trying to go clear across the room, it was necessary to add the sides to the platform.


  1. thanks for the update! I bet they are getting so cute--I would pay extra if you have them fully house trained by 9 weeks? :)

  2. I'll tell you what.... I'll house train ONE of the puppies and not tell anyone which one it is... hee hee hee. They should be well on their way by the time they go home. Of course at 9wks they don't have full bladder control so even mother nature can't perform THAT miracle :)
    I'd say that 4 of the five are choosing to poop out side the box (I haven't seen the third one going) but they are all still peeing in the box. I believe that full bladder control doesn't happen for a while. I'm quite pleased with their progress. I think this litter is almost a week ahead of TinTin's litter (and I thought that they were Einsteins :)
